When you are in a car accident, you are in a stressful situation in which your brain might not act as calmly and rationally as it would otherwise. It’s okay, it’s normal, and it’s actually even expected from the authorities at the scene and even your insurance company.
However, if you know the steps to expect to take beforehand just in case you are ever in an accident or the steps to take once the dust settles, it can make the process easier and more simplified.
Here are seven things you need to know after you have been in a car accident to help you through this stressful time.
7 Important Pieces of Information to Gather After an Accident
1. Evaluate yourself for injuries. While this does not seem like important information, it’s actually pretty crucial. If you have any sort of injury, you should call 911. If you are seriously injured, don’t do anything at all after you call. Just wait for the paramedics to show up, and the rest of the seven pieces of info will simply have to wait.
2. Evaluate your passengers for injuries. If you have moved on from step one, the next information gathering you need is from your passengers. If they are okay and no one is seriously injured, move your car to the side of the road or out of harm’s way and call the authorities.
3. If everyone is okay, exchange information with the other driver. When you know that your vehicle’s occupants are safe and your car is not a hazard for oncoming traffic, you can check on the other car’s passengers. At this time, if everyone is safe, you can exchange information with the driver.
This information should include their full name and contact information, their insurance company’s name and policy number (required by law to have in your car at all times), their driver’s license number and license plate number, and the type of car (make, model, color) that they were driving.
4. Collect information about the scene of the accident. Write down details such as the road, the speed limit, the house number you are in front of if possible, and any other specifics that will help in the future if you need to return to the scene.
Find out if there were any witnesses to the accident and write down their full contact information as well. In many lawsuits, if someone is injured in a crash the witnesses can be the crucial part of their case.
5. Take pictures of the accident scene. You will need to have documentation of the accident - the more, the better. Walk around and take pictures of both vehicles, the road marks, and the damage done to the cars.
6. Talk to the responding authorities and get their documentation. Write down the names and badge numbers of the police officers who respond to the accident. Find out where you can get a copy of the police report and when it will be ready, then go to that location at that time and obtain one.
7. Get a copy of the insurance claims report. In many states it is illegal not to report an accident, and there are multiple insurance companies who will refuse to pay claims if you wait too long to file a report.
Don’t talk to your insurance adjuster more than is necessary until you know for sure if you are injured or not. Sometimes an injury is not apparent for weeks after an accident. If you are injured and you decide to sue for damages, let your attorney handle communication with the insurance company after the initial claim is reported.
Know the Information for a Smoother Road
The time right after an accident is always bumpy and stressful, but taking charge of the situation and knowing what is necessary and what is not can help you make the road smoother.