How To Wire A Head Unit?

Proper knowledge in car head unit wiring is essential as a stereo seller and even as a buyer. If you know the right way, you can personally change it and even customize it.

Without proper knowledge, you lack the freedom of doing such things. As a result, when you try to do it yourself, you end up damaging the car stereo instead.

Here are some of the tips for a better car head unit wiring:



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Proper wiring in the battery can give a good effect for the overall performance of the head unit. It is recommended to change the small gauge wire connected at the charging lead to the battery by a four-gauge power lead from the alternator to the battery.

By doing so, you are not restricting the potential power coming from the alternator. Also, create a four-gauge ground for the negative lead of the battery. The grounding point should be directly mounted to metal without paint and dirt. This method will enable the alternator to charge the battery full with minimal voltage loss at the amplifier.

2. Fuse Location


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The fuse is intended for safety purposes in case the wire shorts inside the car. This can protect the car from starting an internal fire when a wire shortage occurs. The fuse should be located 18 inches of the battery. The amperage value of the fuse must be equivalent to the amplifier’s current draw or in the on board fuse.

3. Running the Wire

A good location to run the wire through the fire wall is, in most vehicles, where the unused factory grommets is. You can place the wire through an opening which you will create inside the grommet through the firewall. In case where there is no factory grommet, find a place where there is no obstruction in both sides and drill a hole in it.


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4. Avoid Wire Interference

Make sure that the wiring system you created for the head unit will not affect any other moving parts inside the vehicle. Double check if the grommet is in proper place or it is not interfering parts like steering wheel linkage, brake pedal, gas pedal or clutch pedal. Interference could result to low performance or even damage the car head unit.


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5. Amplifier Location


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Depending on the location of the amplifier, you should carefully check the wirings if possible interference occurs. If the amplifier is situated under a seat, make sure no other materials are present and the wire is not jointed in any seat bolts and sliding tracks.

If the is placed at the rear part of the vehicle, make sure that the folding rear seats won’t squeeze the wire. In case of one of these factors happening, a wire shortage will occur and you have no choice but to track it. With many other possible wire shortage to occur, you have to take your time to find it.

6. Amplifier Signal


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An 18-gauge primary wire should be used to hook up the amplifier turn-on output from the source unit. Make sure that you have planned on how many channels of  signals your amplifier should receive. You will need to include a remote turn-on lead with the signal cables to turn on the amplifier using an 18-guage primary wire along the signal.

7. Reducing Noise

To reduce the noise, check of the audio signal wires are directional wires. If they are, the arrow should be pointing in the direction of the amplifier, where you are sending the signal from the source. Also, the power wire and the signal wire should be apart from each other to eliminate the engine noise.

8. Test the Speaker Polarity


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To test the polarity of the speaker, you can use a 9-volt battery to pop the speaker. Line the positive to the positive polarity of the battery and do so in the negative. By using this method, you can also see which speaker wire will go to its respective speaker. It is important to get the speaker to move in all the same direction to get the best bass response.

9.Grounding the Amplifier

Like the battery, you have to ground the amplifier to a point where there is no paint and dirt. Be sure that it is not interfering with other parts of the vehicle.

In all of the connections made in the wiring set up, make sure that it is always a good and tight connection.

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>>> See more:

What Does Double Din Head Unit And Single Din Head Unit Mean?


About the Author Leroy Simmons

My name is Leroy L.Simmons. I create this blog as the way to find out my excitement and also a way to remember my father. I always love writing, I embarked on this adventure of the blog, to tell you all that I want to share about my hobby, my dream of auto, truck and journey. At MRVEHICLE.NET, I hope to tell you great stories and especially to answer some questions you might ask. And there are also many interesting and up-to-date stories of drivers on their journey everywhere in the world.

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