Tips For Responding To An In-vehicle Emergency

Know how to react to emergencies in 10 classic route

Even with the best driver, sometimes some in-vehicle emergency cases are still there, if you can not react properly, the consequences can be irreparable. No driver is free from these dangers. It can be broken steering or brake, or the present of another vehicle or fall before him. For many drivers, it will be difficult to decide quickly and effectively, they have to react fast at that time.



The danger does not stop to allow you to think about what to do. The latter may be decisive, emergency situations require, as a rule, quick action. You should think of “what to do” simply must be done and do it at the same speed as the danger in advance.

The action depends on more than a good attitude reflects the driver, how quickly that “a prepared decision” applies beforehand. With the driver who does not have these “prepared decisions” probably react inadequate in a counterproductive way, the consequences can be irremediable.

It can and should be conducted “alert” to confront the danger. To do this simply: accept the possibility of the accident, meet the most serious situations that may arise and know which one is right for every situation maneuver.

In a word: DRIVING with knowing what to do, when to do and how.

To achieve the necessary efficiency, the driver must practice these rules “mentally” until they become a part of their repertoire of habits so that they may be calm and ready to react in every situation.

1. If your brakes fail


Down a slope, the vehicle starts to gain speed. You depress the brake pedal fully, without exercising any effect on the braking action. The vehicle becomes faster and faster.

What to be done:

  • Intermittently operating the brake pedal rapidly and frequently. With the handbrake, act quickly, but nonviolently.
  • Change quickly at a lower speed to take advantage of the braking action of the engine, accelerating even brutally.
  • If absolutely necessary, take the turn the car off the road, to the place that seems softer. It is preferable to let it damage the car ride without brakes, exposing themselves to a serious accident.

2. If a tire bursts

It is you driving at high speed in a straight line. Suddenly heard an explosion, followed by a sharp tug on the wheel. It is almost certain that a tire has burst.

What to be done:

  • Calm, do not panic, do not squeeze the brakes. Firmly hold the steering wheel with both hands and twist it to keep straight the direction of the vehicle.
  • Continue with the foot on the accelerator, but lift it gently. Do not remove abruptly. Let the engine retain the car and when this has lost speed, apply the brakes gradually. Pull off the road, if possible, to change the tire.

3. If your car skids

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By a wet pavement road, you drive at high speed (which you should not), see a pothole and turn the steering wheel to avoid it. Your vehicle begins to skid.

What is to be done:

  • Do not touch the brake pedal, or lift off the throttle.
  • Then turn the steering wheel in the same direction in which the rear wheels move sliding (yes the rear of the vehicle skids to the left, turn the steering wheel also to the left).
  • As soon as the car begins to straighten out, turn the steering wheel in the opposite direction to avoid another gaffe in the opposite direction.
  • Slightly loosen the accelerator, but do not remove the foot abruptly.
  • When you have corrected the gaffe and assured traction, slow braking gently.
  • If then we skidding all four wheels of the vehicle, release the brake to allow rotation thereof.
  • Apply after gradual brake pressure to prevent blocking.

4. If a car comes in the opposite direction

You lead by a dual circulation. Another car coming in the opposite direction, makes a zigzag and is projected directly into your car. Perhaps the driver is asleep or intoxicated.

What is to be done:

  • Press strongly the horn and turn on your headlights.
  • If the other driver does not react to these signals, quickly turn right, although it turned out of the driveway.
  • Any maneuver, even dangerous, is preferable to a frontal crash, especially if the other vehicle is more powerful.
  • If it finds it necessary to orient your car into the ditch, although tipping over or result in a minor collision. It will have avoided the greatest danger.

 5. If your car catches fire


It is well maintained and has no difficulty, so it takes the average speed at which you are accustomed. Suddenly, a characteristic odor and then smoke or flames: your car is on fire.

What is to be done:

  • Immediately cutting the ignition and stand back to the side of the road, slowing the car.
  • Especially act calmly. Please leave all occupants of the vehicle.
  • Lift the “hood” and with the fire extinguisher (which should always carry), with a blanket, clothes, dirt or sand, try to smother the flames.
  • Never pour water.
  • If the fire approaches the fuel tank, move away quickly from the car, to avoid the dangers of explosion.

6. If overnight is forced to stop

Some drivers prefer to travel at night. Are you of one these? Perhaps it has occurred more than once in the dark has been forced to stop.

What is to be done:

  • Try to have on hand under his seat, a folding reflective triangle, because if it’s in the suitcase car, you will lose precious seconds, while looking for.
  • Do your best to take his car outside the road, to repair or wait for help
  • Proceed as follows: Place the triangle in front of your body, to protect themselves, while going to place it on the floor, 30 or 40 meters behind the car.

7. If the windshield of your car breaks

Wary of gravel or small pebbles, as if thrown by the wheels of another vehicle, give against his windshield, they can make it opaque, staying you without visibility in tenths of a second. This phenomenon is usually accompanied by a loud explosion-like shot, which can also scare the driver and cause an accident.

What is to be done:

Quickly, with proper precautions, do a strong punch to the windshield, opening a window that lets you see the road.

8. If a dog crosses the road


Man’s best friend is, however, an enemy of motorists. Many people have been killed or injured as a result of a turn or sudden stop, trying to avoid a dog

What is to be done:

  • As a general rule, you should not presss the brake suddenly to avoid a dog or other small animal that gets in the way.
  • Look far in order to locate the animal as soon as possible

9. If a car while trying to pass you, another oncoming car.

A car coming in the opposite direction to yours on a dual carriageway and in the meantime, a wild and impatient driver, with contempt of the code and of his own life, try to pass him without a free hand.

What is to be done:

  • Make hand signals or intermittent, not to continue the operation.
  • If you do not obey, can you do two things: slow down or increase it.
  • If you are sure that the driver coming from behind will pass, resolutely slow down and stand back to the right side of the road, as the motorist who henceforth will tend to be hastily in front of you with imminent danger of collision of three vehicles.
  • If you have not finished overtake and the car in front is fast approaching, then it is best that you step on the accelerator to make room behind your vehicle.

10. You have entered too fast in a curve

Traveling fast at night in an unfamiliar road without signal that prevents you from seeing. You got suddenly in a tight corner.

What is to be done:

  • Depress the brake several times, while taking the curve accelerate slightly.
  • If you see your car starts to skid, while keeping the right foot on the accelerator, apply the brakes lightly with the left foot.
  • Traveling at an average that allows you to always stop within the visible space. This is particularly important in the corners, because their headlights shine straight.

About the Author Leroy Simmons

My name is Leroy L.Simmons. I create this blog as the way to find out my excitement and also a way to remember my father. I always love writing, I embarked on this adventure of the blog, to tell you all that I want to share about my hobby, my dream of auto, truck and journey. At MRVEHICLE.NET, I hope to tell you great stories and especially to answer some questions you might ask. And there are also many interesting and up-to-date stories of drivers on their journey everywhere in the world.

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